Running errands today in this mini blue shift and some Chanel slides. I think these shoes have a touch of an old lady quality, which is probably exactly why I like them so much. I’ve bought a ton of new Bikinis lately for Mexico and Hawaii, which I plan on doing a post about soon. I can wait to get my Suit from Anna Kosturova. They used a ton of her stuff in the SI Swimsuit edition this year and they finally gotten some stuff back in stock. Yay! I ended up getting the Bella in Cream, I put the link with her name up there. If anyone has any good suit suggestions, please let me know! Xx Nik
Shift Dress: Old, but similar here, Shoes: Chanel, Clutch: Zara, think its sold out :(, Pearls: Tiffany’s, Chain Link Gold necklace: Jcrew, old but like this one too.
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