Morning all!
Today Im starting a 3 day juice fast. Im pretty nervous about it, since health has been second to last priority on my do list (last priority exercise). Luckily, Ive managed to sneak by without anybody noticing that my jeans could a bit loser. For Friends who have noticed, thanks for humoring me.
Plan on doing early voting this weekend, and without starting a political debate, I will say that Im voting for Obama. When I look at a Presidential candidate, “I think who would I prefer to run the company I work for?” The US being the company you work for and the president being your boss. A topic most of us will have to agree to disagree.
On another note, I decided last Sunday that I was going to stare clear of shopping for an entire month. Im on day 6 as of today and it hasn’t been as I hard as I thought it would be. Granite it hasn’t even been a full week yet, but Im feeling positive about it. Ill keep you updated.
Hoping everyone has a great weekend. Xx Nik
Pics: Ruby Willett, Rich girls, Jak and Jil, Rak and ruin.
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